It Worked

4 02 2010

At the first commercial break, I had my doubts. That’s putting it mildly. The truth is, I was disappointed. I told Barbie, “I really wish they didn’t go this route.”

I didn’t like seeing Jack sitting on Oceanic 815 not recognizing Cindy the flight attendant, or Rose, or Desmond (even if he did look familiar). I felt like we’ve all invested too much in the last five seasons, and I didn’t want to see a final season in which the characters’ history together has been obliterated—wiped out.

I didn’t like that the “Reset” idea actually worked. And I even had the audacity to think that, had I been writing the final season, I could have come up with something better… (feel free to point at me and laugh)

You see, I wanted to see our Losties still lost on the island, finally finding some answers for this epic, mythological, time-travely journey they’ve endured together…not on board Oceanic 815, on a entirely new path.

But then, much to my surprise, the Lost writers gave us both. The best of both worlds (or is it? Only time will tell…).

And as the two-part premiere progressed, the alternate reality (which the Lost brain trust of Cuse and Lindelof is referring to as a “sideways reality” because they don’t want to suggest that only one reality is really real) actually started to grow on me.

I liked watching Sayid help Jack save Charlie, who, contrary to what Doc Jensen wrote, was not trying to kill himself by stuffing a bag full of heroin down his throat. (C’mon, if a drug addict wants to off himself, he doesn’t ingest drugs still wrapped in a plastic baggie. Clearly, he was trying to hide the drugs.) I liked watching Sawyer size Hurley up for his next long con (I think), and I thoroughly enjoyed it when Sawyer subtly allowed Kate to get off the elevator, knowing she was a fugitive. The conversation between Locke and Boone (with Frogurt sleeping in a seat between them) was perfect.

I loved discovering that Kate had stolen Jack’s pen. And of course I enjoyed it when Kate beat the crap out of the annoying marshal who is always a little too gung-ho about bringing her in.

But best of all (in sideways reality, anyway), was the conversation between Jack and Locke. It was refreshing to see the two of them being civil to one another, both of them—each in his own way—still untainted by the recent years. Jack, still the good-hearted spinal surgeon who hasn’t turned into a disillusioned, suicidal, mangy-bearded pill-popper. And Locke, stilll…well, I guess it was just nice to see him still breathing. (I’ll get to the other version of Locke we saw last night…)

And I loved that Jack (still trying to fix things) told Locke that nothing is irreversible (just think of all the undertones to that statement, as our Losties, apparently, have just reversed years of death and destruction…or have they?). And personally, I hope Locke shows up for that free consult. (Isn’t it odd to see Jack giving Locke faith?)

And yet, this sideways reality isn’t showing us what might have been. Cuse and Lindelof have been clear about that. They want viewers to know that this reality isn’t what would have happened if Oceanic 815 never crashed. Whatever caused this (presumably detonating the Jughead bomb) changed things prior to the time when Oceanic 815 departed Sydney. For one, there’s no Shannon on the plane. For two, Desmond is there (and then he isn’t?). For three, Hurley believes he’s the luckiest guy in the world (which was another nice touch, wasn’t it? Because we’d like for Hurley to be the luckiest guy in the world, wouldn’t we?).

So when will we learn what all changed? And what caused it? I’m guessing it won’t be until the end of the season, but I’m not too worried about that right now.

How much of the off-the-island, sideways reality will we see this season? I have no idea. Personally, I prefer the on-island story (which I’m about to get to; I promise), but I can already envision scenarios I’d like to see in sideways world.

But in every scenario I’ve imagined so far, the sideways reality always leads to the island. It must. But wait, the island is under water… still, the two timelines must be reconciled. The threads must be connected. Alternate. Sidewise. Whatever you want to call it…it’s connected to the story we’ve followed for five seasons. And it will reconnect in a tangible way. Maybe not with all the Losties, but with the ones who matter most. It has to.

As for the on-island events…well, that’s what really set my head spinning. While the sideways reality seemed somewhat tranquil—and maybe a touch bittersweet—back on the island, things just got…scary.

I guess one should expect devastation when a group of people decide to blow up a hydrogen bomb, but what the Losties got was one dead Juliet (after a touching final kiss from Sawyer), one mostly dead Sayid, a dead Jacob (appearing only to “I have a gun and I know how to use it” Hurley), and a ringing in their ears created, presumably, by leaping thirty years forward in time to the present where Jacob was just killed “an hour ago.”

Crazy as all that sounds, it’s mild compared to what was happening over at the statue’s foot…

While the sideways reality showed us our characters at ease (all of them relatively tranquil and content, except for Charlie “I should have died” Pace, and Kate “I’m always fighting and running” Austen…well, and John “I lie about going on walkabouts” Locke). But on the island, we saw savagery. Juliet’s blood-smeared face. Sawyer’s death glares for Jack (Kudos to Josh Holloway for being a better actor than I thought he was, first with Juliet’s death and then with all his barely controlled rage). And if Sawyer seemed savage, he was a cupcake compared to the Locke Monster (which is what I will be calling Fake Locke/Man in Black from now on).

Locke Monster took the scathing looks to a whole new level. Scratch that. He took everything to a new level.

Sure, he seemed pretty subdued at first. All he wanted was Ben to fetch Richard for him so the two of them could have a little chat. So Ben, with no choice but to embrace his role as Locke Monster’s errand boy, went outside to get Richard.

I found myself wanting Ben to tell Richard and Ilana the truth, but no. He lied. (“That’s what I do; I lie.”)

But Richard knows Ben is up to something. His not-so-composed response: “I’m going to go talk to John, but before I do, I think you should talk to him first…” as he drags Ben over and throws him in the sand next to Locke’s dead body.

Shortly after this, Richard reminds Ben they’ve known each other for 30 years, and he implores him, as a friend, to tell him what happened in the statue.

And then Ben, for a moment, managed to be scarier than Locke Monster, offering the creepiest line of the episode: “Do you want to know what happened, Richard? Why don’t you go inside and find out?”

Instead, Bram and friends drag Ben inside with them. And as soon as they learn Jacob is dead, they shoot Locke Monster (is that what Jacob would have wanted?), but it didn’t work anyway. Locke Monster morphed into the Monster (“There’s no need to resort to name calling”), and killed all of them. Even Bram who almost survived by surrounding himself with a ring of ash, until Locke Monster turned his billows into a fist, punched rocks out of the roof, which then knocked Bram out of the ash circle of safety…where he was promptly impaled.

Immediately thereafter, Ben tries to slink out of the statue…and then Locke Monster is back again (as Locke, not the monster)…and he says, “Sorry you had to see me like that.” (To which, Ben had to be thinking, “Not as sorry as I am.”)

Just before Locke comes outside, Richard sees the fireworks that the Temple People have shot off (more on the Temple People soon). And was it just me, or did he looked stunned? Scared, maybe?

Then Locke Monster appears and immediately, guns are drawn. Richard quickly orders everyone not to shoot him (not that it would have mattered anyway, as Bram and the rest of his dead team could attest…well, if they weren’t dead).

Then comes one of the most intriguing exchanges (and I’ll paste it here just as I transcribed it while watching the episode):

Locke: Hello, Richard. It’s good to see you out of those chains.
Richard: You?
Locke: Me. (And then he beats the crap out of him.)
Locke: I’m very disappointed in all of you. (HUH?)

Then he picks Richard up and walks off…

For the moment, I’m going to ignore the revelation that Locke Monster and Richard know one another, and I’m going to avoid speculating about their history. Instead, for now, I’m just curious why Locke Monster took Richard with him, where he’s going, and why he told the rest of the people that he was “very disappointed” in them.

I feel like understanding this exchange would reveal so much about the history of the island, Jacob, Locke Monster, and the mysterious Richard Alpert. Unfortunately, I don’t understand any of it right now. And that’s bugging the crap out of me.

Meanwhile, Sayid’s dying. And Jacob’s ghost tells Hurley to take him to the Temple. (Wow, I’m actually going to gloss over all of this; that’s how much there is to think about.)

Skipping on to the Temple…

Finally, we see it. And it lives up to my expectations. For those who don’t read Doc Jensen or regularly frequent lostpedia, the Japanese-speaking guy who appeared to be in charge is named Dogen. And his translator (who sort of resembles John Lennon) is named…Lennon.

But first, the Whispers. I think we finally got some answers…I think. Our Losties heard these whispers in the tunnel underneath the temple just before they were snatched by the Temple People. What causes the Whispers? I don’t know. But I think they might signal the presence of the Temple People. The whispers mean they’re near…maybe?

Anyway, more about Dogen. The dude knows English, but doesn’t like “the way it tastes on his tongue.” Which is fine, I guess. Except that we waste precious Lost seconds waiting for Lennon to translate everything Dogen says. But it adds another mysterious layer, so whatever, it’s cool.

And since we know the Lost writers are big fans of Stephen King’s work, it’s worth quoting this from lospedia: “In Stephen King’s epic novel, The Dark Tower, a “dogan” is a secret base used by the Wolves, a mysterious group that periodically emerges from hiding to abduct children.” (Although perhaps it’s worth clarifying, for those who might be interested in reading it themselves, that The Dark Tower is a seven-book series, and the Wolves exist only in the fifth book, Wolves of the Calla. And we’re moving on…)

Anyway, Dogen ordered the rest of the Temple People to shoot our Losties, but before they do, Hurley spoke up. He dropped the Jacob name, produced the guitar case with the over-sized Ankh (I was going to write about how unnecessarily and comically large it was…but Doc Jensen beat me to it and robbed me of my moment), which Dogen promptly broke—producing, what else, a list. Or was it?

Some seem to think it was a list of our Lostie’s names, and this makes sense, I suppose. Because after reading it, they asked each Lostie to identify him- or herself. But when Hurley demanded to know what the note said (since he’d carried it across the ocean and through time and all), Lennon said, “The paper said that if your friend there dies, we’re all in a lot of trouble.”

More on Sayid in a minute, but first I want to thank lostpedia for translating Dogen’s Japanese for me. Because I think it’s beneficial to know that before he told his people to shoot them, he said, “They should not have come here. Nobody is allowed to come here.”

Nobody, huh? Because I seem to remember Richard bringing a dying Benjamin Linus into that temple—even though he entered through a main entrance (didn’t he??) and not via the underground tunnel. So maybe people can come in there when they’re escorted by an Other. Or by a high-ranking Other.

Anyway, to start wrapping this beast up, the Temple People have a healing spring (that looks sort of like an Old Roman bathhouse), but it’s muddy and they don’t seen to know why. Long story short, they submerge Sayid trying to save him, he revives, then dies (presumably by drowning).

When they pronounced Sayid dead, I loved that Jack started doing CPR. Maybe it was just me, but it was nice to see Jack trying to save someone’s life again. What I don’t understand is why Kate says, “Jack, stop! Jack…what are you doing? He’s dead!”

Has Kate already forgotten when Jack saved Charlie’s life after Ethan strung him up in a tree? Has she forgotten that Jack refused to stop doing CPR, that he refused to stop punching Charlie’s heart to make it start beating again? Has she forgotten that it worked?

So shouldn’t she expect that Jack will keep trying? And shouldn’t she suspect, at least on some level, that it just might work? (“Nothing is irreversible.”)

I don’t know, but I was sad that Jack listened to Kate and stopped trying so quickly.

But no matter, whether it was Jack’s doing, or the island’s, Sayid breathed again. Or someone using Sayid’s body did…

Already, I’ve heard/read chatter that Locke Monster has taken control of Sayid’s body. Or that Jacob is using Sayid’s body. Personally, I don’t buy either of these things.

I don’t think the Temple People would be shooting off fireworks and barring the door to keep “him” out if Locke Monster can animate the bodies of those who die in the friendly confines of their temple walls. (Besides, when he takes on Locke’s form, Locke’s body still exists—it’s still lying on the beach right now, as a matter of fact. But it was Sayid’s actual body that reanimated. Not a replica; the real deal.)

As for Jacob? I don’t know, but I just feel like he’s somehow above this—above possessing a recently deceased body. Plus, he’s dead. I mean, if he could pick a dead body to go on living in, why wouldn’t he just use his own?

That being said, Jacob does have a certain tie to Sayid, doesn’t he? Remember when he appeared to Ilana and asked for her help in last season’s finale? And remember why Ilana showed up on Ajira 316? To escort Sayid… Coincidence? I think not. (Sidenote: Notice that the writers didn’t send Ilana into the statue to die with Bram and the rest of their buddies. Clearly, they’re not done with her yet.)

Plus, Jacob’s ghost appeared to Hurley and told him how to save Sayid. (He never tried to save Charlotte. Or Daniel. Or Juliet, for that matter.) Not to mention the gigantic ankh with Jacob’s note, which may or may not have said that if Sayid dies, they’re all in a lot of trouble.

Sudden epiphany: What if that note in the Ankh didn’t specifically spell that out, but instead suggested that if any of those on the list died, they’d be “in a lot of trouble.” Maybe they’re all important… and Sayid’s life took top priority because, well, he was the only one dying. Hmmm, I like that.

Okay, so then Hurley lets it slip that Jacob ain’t coming because he’s dead (“What, you guys didn’t know?”), and chaos ensues. The Temple People scurry about, preparing for a war or a Fourth of July party; I couldn’t tell which. They’re scattering ashes, barricading walls (is that supposed to hinder the guy who can turn into a floating Smoke Monster?), and shooting off the aforementioned fireworks. Oh, and they’re scared. (“There’s a war coming, John. And if you’re not on that island, the wrong side is going to win.”)

All in all, an outstanding way to kick off the season. I expected a lot, and I certainly wasn’t disappointed.

Dominant Themes:

I think the freedom theme was the strongest in this episode. First of all, Locke Monster tells Richard that it’s nice to see him without his chains. Could it mean that Richard was a slave aboard the Black Rock? Or is it more likely that the “chains” are figurative? I’m putting my money on figurative chains, because Locke Monster says this to Bram and the other Others:

“I’m assuming that you are, what? Jacobs bodyguards? and that you came all the way to this island to protect him? Well I have good news, Jacob burned up, right there in that fire. Therefore there’s nothing left for you to protect. You can go. You’re free.”

I’m going to have to watch that scene again (and I plan to), but I thought I saw surprise on Locke Monster’s face when Bram fired at him. Was he surprised that “Jacob’s bodyguards” didn’t want to be freed? Or that they didn’t feel like they were bound? Did he honestly think they were going to be happy that “there’s nothing left to protect”?

Meanwhile, Locke Monster himself has been freed from Jacob. (Jacob: “I was killed by an old friend who tired of my company.”)

In Sideways World, Kate frees herself from the marshal’s custody (although she’s still in cuffs).

And finally, there’s Sayid, who seems so tortured by his past (as a torturer…and a killer), that only death could free him from his torment. But has Sayid been freed?

Snippets (thoughts I had while watching, quotes, questions, other odds and ends):

—Whoa, Sawyer just kicked Jack in the head!
—Juliet’s alive! …and now dead. (If she has to die, it was a good way to do it.)
—Sayid’s dead! …and now alive. (I didn’t think he was really dead…but I didn’t believe Charlie and Mr. Eko were really dead, either. So what do I know?)
—Best line of the night goes to Hurley: “I’ve got a gun”…(tries to cock it…keeps trying…) “…and I know how to use it.”
—The Jacob appearance was sweet; I wasn’t expecting it (nor was I expecting him to tell Hurley that only Hurley could see him)
—Think Hurley will see Jacob again???
—Jacob: I was killed by an old friend who tired of my company.
—Locke Monster wants to go home…
—When will we learn Locke Monster’s real name? (I’m going to predict episode 6.)
—Are they going to give Locke’s body a proper beach burial? I hope so. And I hope it’s next week.
—John Locke’s final thought while Ben strangled him: “I don’t understand.”
—Desmond on the flight? Why did he disappear? (Did he?) …Could he be the key to reconciling the two timelines? (Maybe that would explain why Desmond has historically been fond of saying, “See you in another life, brutha…”)
—Jack is taking the blame these days (for Juliet…for Sayid….”I didn’t shoot him, but it’s my fault.”). I don’t know what to make of that.
—Ben seemed to be remorseful for killing Jacob. (“Why didn’t he fight back?”) Did he think Jacob would stop him? Is he truly remorseful?
—Why did Jacob’s body vanish? (Why did Locke Monster kick it into the fire? Just frustration? Hatred? Or for another purpose?)
—So what are the Temple People, anyway? Devout Others? (How did Cindy and Zack and Emma, the two kids from Oceanic 815, join them so quickly?)
—Why was Ben living at the Barracks with some of the Others, instead of at the temple? (Methinks I need to check the exchange between Locke Monster and Ben in season 5, when Locke Monster questioned the decision to live in the old Dharma buildings.)
—So what does that giant ankh (that came from Jacob and was delivered to the Temple people) say about the ankh that Dharma Paul had in his possession when he was killed by others, and the one Horace found in Amy’s sock drawer on the day Ethan was born? Doesn’t that suggest that Paul, or Paul and Amy, or Paul, Amy, and Horace might be tied to the Others? But if so, then why did Others execute Paul and plan to kill Amy?
—On a map in a previous season, the Temple was listed as a Dharma station. But the Temple we saw didn’t look connected to Dharma. At all. Can anyone explain that?
—A great exchange:

Ben: What are you?
Locke: I’m not a what. I’m a who.
Ben: You’re the monster.
Locke: Let’s not resort to name-calling.
Ben: You used me. You couldn’t kill him, so you made me do it.
Locke: I didn’t make you do anything.


Locke: When he first came to the island, he was weak, pathetic, and irreparably broken. But despite all that, there was something admirable about him. He was the only one who realized how pitiful the life he’d left behind really was.
Ben: And what do you want?
Locke: And that’s the great irony here, Ben. I want the one thing John Locke didn’t. I want to go home.


Hurley to Sayid: Goodbye, Dude. If you ever want to talk, I’m around.
Hurley to Miles: What?
Miles: Nothing.

—And this:

Kate: You know what you said back at the hatch? He’s just trying to help us.
Sawyer: I ain’t gonna kill Jack. He deserves to suffer on this rock just like the rest of us.

—And then there’s this, which I can’t make sense of at all: If the Temple People live in the Temple…and they are barring the walls to keep “him” (Locke Monster) out…but Locke Monster is also the Smoke Monster…and the Smoke Monster comes from under the Temple…and it’s apparently a “security system guarding the temple”…um, can somebody explain to me how all that fits together?

That’s it for me. Next week I’ll try to have this done by Wednesday morning. I’m expecting big things from “What Kate Does.”



20 responses

5 02 2010
JoHannah Reardon

Interesting summary and thoughts, Tyler. I do wish you were joining us for our Lost lunch today! One thing I’m wondering – are we sure Jacob is good and Locke monster is bad?

5 02 2010


That’s a great question. And I gave that some serious thought. I wouldn’t put it past the writers to try and dupe us like that…however, based on everything we’ve seen from the Smoke Monster (killing Eko and the pilot, and Montand…), and then Locke Monster (conspiring to kill Jacob, killing Bram and his associates)…I just can’t see him as anything but bad. As for Jacob, I just don’t know how they could pull a switcharoo and make him the bad guy. For one, he’s dead. And bad guys stay alive until the end of the story. Second, I don’t know how the writers could reconcile his appearances in the Lostie’s lives (where he seemed to be looking out for them, in a way) and portray him as a bad guy. Unless they’re all bad. Which I don’t want to believe.

It’s a great question to ask. Perhaps neither one of them is good. But I definitely don’t see a role reversal coming, with Jacob being bad and Locke Monster good.

5 02 2010

Great follow up and analysis. LOST has definitely set the bar high for season premiers and this one blew me away.

Obviously there are about a thousand themes/ideas/questions to consider going into this final season. My favorite though has to be the dynamic of Jacob and the Man in Black. Chris Seay has some interesting thoughts in the most recent issue of Collide.

“I believe that the themes from Exodus that we say play out in earlier seasons will make a strong return. I mean, in the final episode of season 5, we see this huge statue of an egyptian god. we have this struggle between jacob and the man in black, who i believe to be Esau, and we’ll find out exactly who he is. And I think the biblical narrative will play out, like the children of Israel, enslaved in Egypt and enslaved to their failures. But God steps in for a kind of miraculous, redemptive, freeing work. That’s my hope. I think the story is pointing more and more toward God’s divine work.”

Seay authored “The Gospel According to Lost” which I’m hoping to read soon. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on future episodes.

5 02 2010


Thanks for the comments. I’m glad you enjoyed my post.

I actually read the first 18 pages of The Gospel According to Lost. I guess it was offered as a sample and a friend of mine downloaded it and sent it to me. It was decent, I suppose, but I just tend to shy away from those kinds of books. I don’t know why, but I feel a strange aversion to them. Even though I know pop culture is filled with spiritual themes (Lost especially), on some level, I feel like the writers of those kinds of books are trying to prove the gospel is relevant (which it is, obviously). Maybe my aversion is unfounded; I don’t know. I guess I didn’t need to say all of that (stepping down from my soapbox now…), especially since I like the quote you shared. If the Exodus idea is accurate, I wonder if we’ll see some of that played out in the next episode, “What Kate Does.” If anyone represents the enslaved Israelites, shouldn’t it be the woman who is in chains?

I’ve never believed that Locke Monster’s name will be Esau, though. Just feels too predictable. Even if he turns out to be Jacob’s brother, I think he’ll have a different name. I could very well be wrong, but if Vegas took bets on what his name will be, I’d take a big pile of money (all 1’s, probably) and take the odds against it.

5 02 2010

Good analysis. Gotta think the water was muddy because Jacob died.

5 02 2010


That makes perfect sense…but who knows? And this might be one of those minor mysteries that is never explained. I can live with not knowing why the water was muddy, I suppose.

6 02 2010
Todd Hertz

Tyler, you and I are really jiving on a lot. A few thots:

1) I agree with you about Jacob and MIB being good and evil, respectively. Yes, we may find out that neither is fully good or fully bad but I don’t expect a switcheroo. It seems to me that those arguing for that only do based on “Well, Lost likes to switch things” and “The reason we think Jacob is good is because he wears white and MIB wears black.” But there is so much more than that. Look at how they operate. MIB works in deception and manipulation (sound like someone we know?) and Jacob works with compassion (“I am sorry this happened to you, John.”), selfless sacrifice (“WHy didn’t he fight back? Why did he let me kill him?”) and granting fee will (“No matter what he’s told you, you have a choice.” And then we have their while disagreement over humans: one believing they are redemptive, the other hating them. Again, sound like something we’ve seen before? Their whole beach scene reminds me of Job. MIB is out roaming the earth, he has a theory about humans, God allows him to test it to prove him wrong.

2) While I also agree with you on Christan culture books (and I haven’t read Seay’s book) and have seen some of his theories that I don’t jibe with, I do like Seay’s comparisons of this to Israel. After all, Jacob was renamed Israel. And that brings up an interesting thot I had this week that goes with point #1. A friend asked how Jacob could be good when he allowed the purge of Dharma. I’ve been reading the OT too much lately but I instantly thot of the Canaanites. This was the promised land belonging to God’s chosen people and he commanded a purge for the sake of holiness.

3) I agree with Fuller on the water and I think it *could* be important. When the temple folks see the water is not “clear” they don’t know Jacob is dead yet. Could the water be stained or symbolically filled with Jacob’s blood? Blood that was given freely. And Blood that gave new life to Sayid. Hmm, he’s been washed in the blood.

4) I agree that I am not expecting anyone but Sayid to be in Sayid’s body. He has an incomplete arc of redemption. I also agree that all 6 of them are important and need to stay alive–Jacob chose them for something.

5) You are asking, I think, the right question abut Smokey and the Temple. Could it be as simple that originally he protected the temple and now he’s rebelled? (I know, I am really into the God-Satan allegory!) He felt like he was forced into labor all these years…forced to protect the very beings he despises?

Oh, I miss our lunches, friend.

6 02 2010


Thanks for weighing in. I always like hearing what you’re thinking. I too miss the lunches.

As for not expecting anyone but Sayid to be in Sayid’s body…I might have changed my mind on that. I DVR-ed Team Darlton’s appearance on Jimmy Kimmel the night of the premiere, and after watching that interview, the way they answered Kimmel’s question (I believe he asked if Jacob was in Sayid’s body) made me suspicious. Damon’s face especially seemed to convey something. I just looked it up:

Kimmel: It seemed obvious to me that Jacob was inhabiting the body of Sayid…
Lindelof: Hmmm, interesting. I think something is inhabiting the body of Sayid.
Cuse: You might watch a few more episodes; your theory will evolve a little further…

If you want to see it yourself, here’s the link:

If it’s just Sayid in Sayid’s body…then why would Cuse say something about the theory evolving a little more?

Then again, they’ve messed with our minds before.

6 02 2010

Always so interesting to hear your recap and theories! It helps us remember and catch new things. Dad and I completely missed Kate stealing Jack’s pen, for example.

Along with your freedom theme, which I like on many levels for the characters, I also really like Desmond in the role of helping bring the two worlds together. But, I really like Desmond, (and some of the other characters who are happily still alive in at least one of the worlds!) so I hope he continues to be essential to the plot.

Another significant player is absent: Christian Shepard. I expect they will have trouble finding his body in Australia. Some other things had varied prior to the flight, as you pointed out, but he was still dead and still Jack’s reason for making the trip. I am suspicious that he, too, will need to make it back to the island sometime, in some form. Unless you have researched this already and found his being dead and lost is just that, this time! We’ll look forward to next week’s episode and your response!

6 02 2010
Todd Hertz

Hmmm. That Kimmel interview detail is interesting. Based on what we’ve seen in the show, I would like to still think Sayid will be Sayid…but with that new outside info, who knows. I guess the reason I don’t want Jacob in Sayid’s body is because I want Jacob to be Jacob. And the device seems too easy since they’ve already shocked us with that once.

So while I don’t know what they are doing…I guess my point is that I just don’t like that idea. But we’ll see. Miles certainly seemed to suspect something was up.

By the way, have I mentioned Marc Miller and I’s Horcrux Lost theory? Basically the idea is that Jacob touched each of the six to plant part of himself in them so that when he died, they could bring him back. Far out? Yes.

7 02 2010

I would also like to think Sayid will be Sayid. Whatever happened to him, I think they laid the groundwork for it when Ben was taken to the temple. You know, Richard’s lines about the loss of innocence, not remembering, and always being one of them…

I love the Horcrux theory. I don’t know if I buy it…but I still love it. It’s about time Harry Potter makes an appearance in Lost…

As for your comment about Miles thinking something was up, are you referring to the look he gave Hurley when Hurley tried to talk to dead Sayid? Do you think Miles knew that Sayid wasn’t dead? Or did he sense something else?

9 02 2010
Todd Hertz

Sorry, Tyler I didn’t see these questions back to me until now. By my Miles comment, I meant the look he gave Hurley. It was like the look he had when Claire “died” in Season 4 like “Something is off here.” And yah, I was comparing it to the look he gave to Claire before tonight’s ep ! 🙂

My thinking was that Miles could tell something was off. That Sayid was either not dead or he just wasn’t talking like the dead usually do. Something was wrong and Miles sensed it.

10 02 2010


If you drew that comparison between Miles’ looks prior to last night’s episode, then my hat goes off to you. In fact, I think that earns you a shout-out in the recap I’m trying to finish up right now…

7 02 2010

Hey Tyler! I had no idea you were such a Lost fanatic. I actually just got into it less than a year ago. My brother loaned me the first four seasons last summer to watch, and after the first episode I was hooked. I was able to watch season 5 and finished two days before the season premiere last Tuesday. I was pretty disappointed at first too, thinking the bomb worked, but am soooo happy to see the dual thingy going on. I can’t wait (as usual!) to see what happens next.

I absolutely LOVED reading your post about the season premiere. Wow, you have such great ideas, insights… I plan on reading your Lost post every week! Bravo. 🙂

Did you know that Clayton and I went to Hawaii over Christmas and New Year’s to visit my folks? We were able to visit a few of the places where Lost was/is being filmed. It was amazing. I have some pictures I could share with you, if you’d like.

Take care, and tell Barbie I said hi! Oh and by the way, now that you guys live closer, we all should get together sometime. 🙂

7 02 2010


And I had no idea you were such a Lost fanatic. Barbie and I have been talking about wanting to go to Hawaii (especially while Lost was still filming), but it hasn’t happened. So we envy you… Even though I’m the one who blogs about it, she’s probably more into the show than I am. Maybe.

I’m glad you enjoyed my post. Feel free to chime in with your thoughts, too.

7 02 2010

I don’t think Christian will play much part in the island. Maybe in some stories on the side reality but not the island. Mainly because he was dead on the plane. Rather like Locke was dead on the second plane. Ergo, I would propose that Christian wasn’t really Christian, he was the Smoke.

7 02 2010


I agree that Christian was the smoke monster. But I think we will still see some more of Christian, either in flashbacks, or in the sideways reality. And who knows, maybe they lost his coffin because that’s something that was changed. Maybe Christian isn’t dead now… I don’t know. But I think you’re right; we probably won’t see much more of him on the island (in the present), since Locke Monster has a new body he’s using now.

12 02 2010

Tyler, I have been thinking about what you said about why the monster could go in and out of the temple before, and now the temple people are keeping him out. could it be possible that what the monster is might be different than what it was now that Jacob is dead? Also, we saw that the ash circle was moved around the cabin and “sombody else was using it” in the last episode of last season. Was that the first time we saw that?

13 02 2010


I didn’t mean to say that the monster could go in and out of the temple before. I think we saw it in the tunnels beneath the temple, but there might be a difference between being underneath the temple and actually inside it’s walls. (In its holy of holies, so to speak.)

Personally, I don’t think the monster is different now that Jacob is dead. But that could just be me hoping for something to be consistent (and thus, less confusing). I don’t know.

Yeah, the broken ring of ash was seen at the end of season 5. We saw the ash before that, but that’s the first time we saw that the circle was broken. (It may have been broken before that, but we didn’t see it.) We also saw that Ilana and Bram burned that cabin. So I think we can assume that eliminated the possibility that anyone will be using the cabin in the future (why else would they burn it?).

13 02 2010
Mary Bellus

Todd, I love your Horcrux theory!! Very interesting. Especially since Jacob put their names on this list. Seems like they are very important to him.

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