And So It Ends

25 05 2010

I don’t feel like trying to dissect “The End.” For a few reasons. For one, after all that LOST coverage, followed by staying up late and getting up early to finish a LOST-related article for Books & Culture (which I will link to here as soon as it posts), my brain is already worn out.

More importantly, dissecting the final episode feels like we’re sort of missing the point. The story’s over. There’s nothing left to see. There’s no next week or next season. So instead of trying to clamp this 2.5 hour beast down so we can inspect its innards, I’d rather just sit back and savor it (wow, that was a disgusting mixed metaphor, wasn’t it?).

In fact, for the first time this season, I didn’t even try to transcribe the entire episode. I didn’t rewind during any pivotal scenes to retrieve the snippets of dialogue that I missed (which I’ve been doing all season, annoying my wife in the process). Instead, at times I sat back and just let the unrecorded dialogue wash over me (much like Jack after he had re-corked the pool in the “heart of the island”). In a sense, I guess you could say I learned to “let go.” Yes, this was my redemptive moment.

But enough about me… Before I talk about the finale, I want to thank all of you. I’ve enjoyed writing these posts because they always helped me better understand what I had just watched. I enjoyed processing my thoughts in a public forum where you guys could comment and share your own insights. So thanks for making the show even more entertaining for me. Your involvement in this blog has made the journey through the final season even more rewarding.

You know, it sounds silly to refer to a TV show as “a journey.” I realize that. But I think it fits. What other hour-long TV show has ever consumed our thoughts for days? And not just one episode, but every episode every week. Even referring to LOST as a TV show feels short-sighted. LOST was an experience, an adventure, a challenge; it was something special—and for most fans, it was communal (did anyone watch LOST without visiting online sites or discussing the show with friends and family?).

So thanks for joining me in this little niche of a community.

I’m sure most of you agree that, exciting as the finale was, watching it end was…sad.

When the finale first started, I kept getting sudden urges to pause it. Not so I could catch up on my transcription efforts, but so I could push the conclusion a little farther away—so I could enjoy it all just a little longer.

To put it another way, I didn’t want to be done with the island yet. But as it turns out, the island was done—with all of us.


Let’s recap:

“The End” Begins
The LOST creative team did so many things well in this episode. I love how it began by showing us all the major characters in both worlds, mingled with footage of Christian Shephard’s coffin being transported from an airfield to the church where Desmond (“Are you a priest or something?”) signed for it.

And so we knew right from the start that we would be coming back here. That this coffin was going to be important.

And it was like the show was saying, “Hey, here are all the characters you love. This is where they are right now. Watch closely, and enjoy it, because after this, you’ll never see them again…” (Maybe that’s a little melodramatic, but leave me alone; I’m very attached to this show.)

And we got so many rich scenes, so many instances when the characters could be themselves—in both realities. And it was great.

In fact, near the beginning of the episode, there was like a two minute stretch in which Sawyer called Desmond a “magic leprechaun” and Hurley compared Jacob’s reticence to Yoda. Sawyer later called Hurley “Bigfoot,” and there was this perfect line from Sawyer, “Well, Doc, why don’t you come on down from the mountaintop and tell us what the burning bush had to say for itself.”

And these quotes weren’t forced. They fit neatly into the story, which was great.

I thought the way the writers showed all the characters “feeling it,” remembering the pivotal moments from their island lives, was a stroke of storytelling genius. Heading into a finale, fans are already sentimental. An episode that flashes back to all the most emotional moments from the past few years, however, would be uninspired, trite. But not when you’re showing the characters discovering those moments, in a sense, for the first time. This gimmick (and I don’t mean that as a negative) was the perfect vehicle to create powerful, moving scenes, and to allow the audience to relive and enjoy once again some of the moments that touched us most over the last six years.

Rose and Bernard
Part of me wants to point out that I predicted that Rose and Bernard would rescue Desmond from the well (and I did just point that out, didn’t I?), but when I’ve been making predictions every week all season long, I don’t think I can take too much credit for the few things I guess correctly considering the plenitude of plot developments I predicted incorrectly.

That being said, Rose and Bernard got their final 15 seconds of fame.

And then Locke Monster came and took Desmond away from them.

Locke Monster and Jack, Part 1
One of the finale’s biggest surprises (for me, at least) was how soon Jack and Locke Monster crossed paths. I expected there to be a final showdown, but it was almost like they met up right away. And then, in an odd twist, they agreed to both take Desmond to the “heart of the island” together (Did Desmond have any say in this?).

By the way, Desmond knew about that light source. (My guess was that he first saw it when the hatch blew up, and my wife thought he might have seen it when Widmore zapped him with electromagnetism. Either way, Desmond knew what was coming.) Desmond also believed that uncorking the pool of light would transport him off the island into the other reality. He was wrong.

Jack believed Desmond was a “weapon” that Jacob brought to the island. Jack expected Desmond’s uncorking to kill Locke. He was wrong.

Locke Monster, it seems, was right. Because shortly after Desmond uncorked the pool, the island started trembling and tremoring—and suddenly a cataclysmic explosion seemed imminent.

But Jack wasn’t completely wrong, because he ran out of the cave and tackled Locke Monster. And then in his best “Jacob the Island Protector” impersonation, he held his enemy down and punched him in the face. And surprise, surprise: it hurt Locke. The big, bad monster even bled!

But then Locke Monster knocked Jack out with a rock. But he walked off without killing him…(C’mon, Locke Monster, the guy told you he’s going to kill you earlier in this episode, so how are you going to leave him alive here?)

“Make Me a Bird so I Can Fly Far, Far Away”
Yes, I realize I just made an unrelated Forest Gump reference. What do you want from me? I told you my brain is exhausted. If you haven’t already, it’s time to lower your expectations for the remainder of this post. Whatever springs to my mind will be typed and not revised; I make no apologies for that.

So anyway, Miles finds Richard (who is still alive, by the way) in the jungle, and Richard convinces him that they still need to blow up the plane. They start rowing over to Hydra Island when they encounter the sub wreckage, including our resident Kenny Rogers look-a-like, Frank Lapidus (who is still alive, by the way).

Lapidus convinces them that they don’t need to blow up the plane to keep Locke Monster from boarding it. Instead, he’ll just fly them out of there. (How did they not think of that?)

So for the rest of the episode, these three are determined to get the plane fixed up and as far away from the island as possible—as soon as possible. Which means they’re prepared to leave their friends behind if they don’t arrive in time for the boarding call. (We’ve never seen the laid-back Lapidus get so stressed, have we?)

Ben Gets Trapped Under A Tree
I was confused when this happened. I wondered what the writers were setting up with this.

And somehow, I missed the moment when Ben was freed (did they show it?).

Like I said, I’m not thinking super clearly, but I think the point was to have Hurley, Sawyer, and Kate stay behind and help Ben while this happened…

Locke and Jack Fight…Again
We’ve seen Jack fight Ethan. We’ve seen Jack fight Sawyer. We’ve seen Jack fight Ben. We’ve seen Jack fight Locke (remember when Jack pulled the trigger on the unloaded gun that, had it been loaded, would have ended Locke’s life? And although this isn’t the point right now, think how much different this finale could have been if that gun had been loaded…) We’ve seen Jack fight—well, to sum things up, I’m saying that we’ve seen Jack in a lot of fights.

But this fight was different.

When Jack launched into the flying Superman punch just prior to the commercial break, I cringed a little bit. I thought it seemed a little bit too much like a comic book scene. But by the time we returned from the commercial, I had already changed my mind. I quickly decided I loved the way Locke and Jack charged one another. It was very primal. Like two tigers battling over territory. Or two lions, which is fitting, because while I was watching it, I actually typed “this reminds me of the fight between Simba and Scar” (Yep, I warned you that I was going to type anything that came to mind. This is a LOST recap that James Joyce could have appreciated. Don’t get that reference? I don’t care…).

During the melee, Jack gets stabbed in the side (remember that curious appendix scar from the Sideways storyline?), and eventually Locke has the knife pressed to Jack’s throat:

Locke: I want you to know, Jack. You died for nothing.

But before he can finish his patented “Zoe Throat Slitting” maneuver, a shot rings out.

It’s Kate, who had grabbed a gun and fired crazily at Locke Monster earlier in the episode (to which he had replied, “Save your bullets.”), and after Locke fell over, Kate said, “I saved you a bullet.”

Jack stands up and Locke looks around before saying, “You’re too late.”

With that, Jack kicks Locke Monster off the side of the cliff, where his carcass will be picked dry by the pack of hyenas he disrespected all these years…wait a second, nope. Nevermind.

I thought this final fight between Jack and Locke was powerful. It was well-done. But I wish they would have changed one thing. When the characters looked down at Locke’s body at the base of the cliff, I wish they would have seen Jacob’s Brother there. In death, I thought he should have returned to his original form.

But one of the reasons they didn’t do that, I’m assuming (who knows if they considered it at all), is that they liked the juxtaposition of that scene (in which Jack kicks Locke’s body off the cliff) with the scene that followed (in which Jack completes an operation that will allow Locke to walk again).

Oh yeah, and of course Jack’s neck is bleeding again in the Sideways reality.

But sticking with the island storyline for now, we see Jack (who I assumed was mortally wounded) refusing to leave the island. And this, in retrospect, might be one of the best scenes in the history of the show. In its entirety (except for any of the tidbits I may have missed):

Ben (in the walkie): How’s everything going over there?
Frank (in the walkie): Don’t bother me.
Ben: Sounds like they’re making progress.
Sawyer: We got to go now.
Kate: I don’t understand. Locke’s dead. Why is all this still happening?
Jack: Because whatever Desmond turned off. I need to turn it on again. And you guys need to be on the plane.
Kate: You can go with us.
Jack: No, I can’t.
Kate: Let the island sink, Jack.
Jack: No, I can’t.
Jack: Good luck to you, James.
Sawyer: Thanks, Doc. For everything.

Ben throws Sawyer the walkie.

Ben: If the island goes down, I’m going with it.

Hurley: You think I’m going down that? No way, I’m going with you, dude.

Jack: Kate, you need to get Claire on that plane.
Kate: Tell me I’m going to see you again.

Jack doesn’t say anything.

They kiss…

Kate: I love you.
Jack: I love you.

Kate cries…

Jack, Hurley, and Ben walk away.

And then, we cut to the next scene where Miles professes his love for…duct tape.

But going back to those moving moments on the side of the cliff. The Jack/Kate goodbye kiss was fine. But I was moved more by Sawyer thanking Jack “for everything.” Nice touch.

And then Sawyer and Kate decided they didn’t have time for the ladder, so they dove into the water (landing precariously close to the rocks, don’t you think?)…

Hurley Plays Batman and Ben Becomes Robin (Nope, I’m not revising this heading either)
Many of us were right: Hurley became the island’s protector in the end. But I want to say something about Jorge Garcia right here. When it comes to acting, some of the cast have always shined brighter than others. (You know who you are, Emerson and O’Quinn…) Hurley is the most lovable character, by far, but I always thought Garcia was far from being the most talented actor.

But that moment when Hurley realized what Jack was saying (that Jack was going to die), it gave me chills:

Hurley: How are we getting down there?
Jack: We’re not. I’m going alone.
Hurley: Dude, you can’t go down there alone. Desmond didn’t make it. How the hell are you going to survive?

Hurley starts crying.

Hurley: No. No way, I’m not going to let you die.
Jack: Hurley, I’m already dead.
Hurley: You said you would protect the island.
Jack: I am.
Hurley: you’re not supposed to die. The island needs you.
Jack: It needs to be you, Hugo.
Hurley: Jack, I can’t. It’s supposed to be you.
Jack: It was only supposed to be me so I could do this. If someone is supposed to take care of the island, then it’s supposed to be you. Hurley, I believe in you.

So Jack gave Hurley a drink of water, and then he told him, “Now you’re like me.”

I like that some things like this were never explained. What does it mean to say, “Now you’re like me.” Could it be a reference to the Garden of Eden, when the serpent tells Eve that eating from the tree would make them like God? Similarly, does drinking the water make them like an island God? I don’t know…and I’m fine with that. What we do know is that this is what one protector says to their successor. But why? It doesn’t matter…so quit asking questions and just enjoy it.

So Jack goes down and finds Desmond, who thinks he needs to replace the “drain.”

Jack tells Desmond, “If you want to do something, go back and be with your wife and son.” And then, Jack says, “See you in another life, brother.” (If that was Jack’s best Desmond impersonation, he needs to spend more time working on that Scottish accent, but I suppose Jack is losing a lot of blood, so I guess I won’t be too hard on Jack here…)

Jack re-corks the “heart of the island,” and eventually, water starts to trickle down into the electromagnetic pool again…(which means that, with Locke dead and the island no longer about to sink, Lapidus and crew really didn’t need to hurry up and fly out of there; they could have stopped and talked things through with Hurley and Ben and decided what they all wanted to do now that a deadly Smoke Monster was no longer trying to kill all of them…but no, they didn’t do that)

Hurley thinks he’s hauling Jack out of the light tunnel, but when he and Ben hoist their cargo all the way up, they realize it’s Desmond.

Hurley yells Jack’s name, but Jack is still lying in the pool: his hand held under the water, an exhausted glimmer of a smile creeping onto his face.

Hurley and Ben carry Desmond out of the tunnel, and then there’s this:

Hurley: Jack’s gone. Isn’t he?

Ben nods…
Hurley cries.

Ben: He did his job, Hugo.
Hurley: It’s my job now. What the hell am I supposed to do?
Ben: I think you do what you do best. Take care of people. You could start by helping Desmond get home.
Hurley: But how? People can’t leave the island.
Ben: That’s how Jacob ran things. Maybe there’s another way. A better way.
Hurley: Are you going to help me?
Ben: I’m sorry.
Hurley: I could really use someone with experience. For a little while. Could you help me, Ben?
Ben: I’d be honored.
Hurley: Cool.

Where Are We?
This is the question Charlie Pace asked way back in “The Pilot.” This is the question we’ve been asking all season while we watched the Sideways storyline.

I’m going to talk about the way this portion of the story ended, but I admit I’m reluctant to do so. Not because I hated it, but because it was definitely the weakest part of the finale (in one sense), and because I’m certain it was the part of the finale that some people probably hated. But before I get to all that, I want to briefly hit the highlights of the final chapter of the Sideways story.

The Sawyer/Juliet reunion was well done. I liked how the writers had the two of them repeat so many of the lines they’d said to each other (in a different context) in their final moments together on the island.

I suppose it was fitting that Kate would help Claire deliver Aaron again. But it was Charlie’s inclusion in this scene that made it special this time around.

I absolutely loved when Hurley shot Charlie with the tranquilizer gun. Great stuff.

I thought the concert was a fun idea.

Locke walked again, which was nice.

My favorite Sideways scene, however, was the one when Sayid and Shannon reunited. Not because I cared about the two of them all that much, but just because I liked realizing that Boone and Hurley had conspired to make it happen. It was fun. (I like Sideways Hurley.)

As for the explanation for this Sideways story…sigh…I’d like to just gloss over this. But I have a feeling you wouldn’t let me get away with that. So here goes…

We’ve been wondering all year how the writers were going to connect the two worlds. When Sideways Kate started talking to Sideways Jack about “leaving,” I thought they were definitely going back to the island. In fact, I thought they were all together because they were going to restart the whole journey—and I fully expected the episode to end with Jack lying in the jungle, the final frame revealing his eye…opening. (And it’s amazing that I could be so close and so completely wrong at the same time.)

It turns out that our Sideways characters only needed to remember their lives in the original reality. But as for rejoining (or restarting) that island reality, no that wasn’t in the cards. After the characters all “felt it,” they gathered together at the church where…dun dun dun…we saw Christian Shephard’s coffin delivered in the beginning of the episode.

Jack is there because Kate brought him, but even though Locke and Kate have tried to get through to him, he still hasn’t remembered. While the rest of the Losties are gathered in the church sanctuary, Jack goes into the back and finds his father’s coffin. He touches it and WHAM! Jack remembers.

Then Jack opens the coffin and…did you really think the body would be in there? Of course not!

Up to this point, I was very pleased.

My wife and I both called it just before Christian spoke to Jack (as did many of you, I’m sure). And even to this point, I was completely on board with the whole thing.

But then Christian and Jack kept talking. Jack kept asking questions. Christian kept answering them. And I started getting this sinking feeling in my gut, and I thought, “They’re about to ruin the ending…”

Christian: Hey, kiddo.
Jack: Dad?
Christian: Hello, Jack.
Jack: I don’t understand. You died.
Christian: Yeah. Yes, I did. (The sinking feeling started here…)
Jack: Then how are you here right now?
Christian: How are you here?
Jack: I died, too… (tears) (UGH!)
Christian: It’s okay. It’s okay, son.

And then it got worse before it got better:

Jack: Are you real?
Christian: I sure hope so. Yeah, I’m real. You’re real. Everything that’s ever happened to you is real. All those people in the church, they’re real, too.
Jack: They’re all dead.
Christian: Everyone dies sometime, kiddo. Some of them before you, some of them long after you.
Jack: Why are they all here now?
Christian: Well, there is no now here. (RIGHT HERE I’M WISHING CHRISTIAN WAS STILL MISSING.)
Jack: Where are we, Dad?
Christian: This is the place that you all made together so that you could find one another. The most important part of your life was the time that you spent with these people. That’s why all of you are here. Nobody does it alone, Jack. You needed all of them, and they needed you.
Jack: for what?
Christian: To remember. And to let go.
Jack: Kate. She said that we were leaving.
Christian: Not leaving. No. Moving on.
Jack: Where are we going?

I know some fans believe LOST left too many unanswered questions (that was inevitable), but I feel like this scene with Jack and Christian tried too hard to answer the questions about the Sideways world. And we didn’t need all this. We already had enough clues to make our own inferences. The biggest clue was Hurley telling Ben he was a good number 2, and Ben responding by saying that Hurley was a great number 1. That alone tells us that all of this is happening after everything that took place on the island (or if not necessarily after, then at least in a place where the characters can remember more of the story than just what we’ve seen.)

After Jack and his Daddy finally stopped talking, we saw all the characters gathered in the church sanctuary. For some reason, they all started sitting in the pews. There were a lot of smiles. Clearly, they hadn’t come for a funeral. And then Christian walked out and touched Jack’s shoulder…before he walked out the church door, into a dazzlingly bright light…

So what does all of that represent? What does it mean?

Is it possible to ignore those questions? Unfortunately, that’s just not going to happen.

I will say, that even though I didn’t love these revelations, I did enjoy the scene. How is that possible, you ask? (Oh, you didn’t ask that? Too bad.) I enjoyed seeing all the reunions. I enjoyed that in at least one scenario, our characters experienced a happy ending. Here they were, not concerned with fate or destiny or faith or science or whether they should live on the beach or in the caves; they were just…happy. Happy to be together. And probably proud of what they were able to accomplish together. And if Christian is right (in other words, if Christian’s words encapsulate what the writers intended here) and if this is really the “place they made together so they could find one another” because the “most important part of their life was the time they spent together”…well, then I guess they should enjoy this moment.

And I could enjoy it only because I still felt like the real story was ending elsewhere (and I’m about to get back to that). Sure this church scene seemed very much like purgatory, or some kind of afterlife. And if some people think that cheapens what we’ve seen (I expect that some will have this opinion), I’m not going to try to talk them out of that opinion.

But my goal with the finale was to try to look at the big picture, to view LOST as a whole. And I think (though I’m not 100% convinced) that the show, as a whole, was richer and more complete because of the Sideways storyline. And so, in the end, I’m willing to accept all of this. And like I said, as I was watching it, in that moment (before I started scrutinizing it too much), it was enjoyable.

Given the chance, however, I would change the following thing…

The Empty Coffin
Jack opens the coffin…and it’s empty.

And Christian does not appear. Christian never talks to him. But Jack still feels it. He still remembers.

And then he goes out to join his friends.

Okay, so that’s not very good, either. Because then all the viewers would have been like, “What is this world? Why is the coffin empty? Where’s Christian? What’s going on? This finale was terrible! The writers had no idea what they were doing!”

And that little exercise just showed me that the LOST writers really did a great job with the finale. I was going to recommend one change, and it took 2 minutes for me to realize my alteration would have made it much worse.

So maybe every LOST fan who wants to criticize the finale should be forced to write their own alternate ending to see how horrible their version would have been.

But still, if there were just a little less dialogue from Christian, that might have been an improvement.

What About Ben?
In another great scene that could have only been possible in the Sideways World, Ben apologized to Locke for everything:

Locke: Is everyone already inside?
Ben: I believe most of them are, yes… I’m very sorry for what I did to you, John. I was selfish. Jealous. I wanted everything you had.
Locke: What did I have?
Ben: You were special, John. And I wasn’t.
Locke: Well, if it helps, Ben. I forgive you.
Ben: Thank you, John. That does help. It matters more than I can say.
Locke: What are you going to do now?
Ben: I have some things I still need to work out. I think I’ll stay here awhile.

I haven’t decided how I feel about this scene yet. I like the exchange between these two characters, but I’m trying to figure out why Ben still has things to work out. According to Hurley, he was a “good number 2.” So we have reason to believe he didn’t continue to be the self-serving manipulative jerk he’d been in the past.

And Locke forgave him.

What else was Ben mulling over? The way he murdered Widmore? Abaddon? All the people he asked Sayid to kill? All of the Dharma Initiative? His father?

Okay, on second thought…Ben probably did still have a number of things to work out. Once you start listing his indiscretions, wow…he makes Smokey seem sort of tame.

“The End”…Ends
Say what you will about the resolution of the Sideways story (seriously, go on and say it; what do I care?), but the on-island ending, in my opinion, was perfect.

When Jacob sent Brother into the light tunnel, Jacob found Brother’s corpse in the stream. So it makes sense that Jack, after the water started filling the pool again, would wind up in the same stream. And when we see him again, he looks very much like an exhausted and terribly wounded man.

But Jack picks himself up and he starts walking. Slowly. He’s bleeding a lot; he’s staggering. But he keeps walking. And it’s clear exactly where Jack is going.

And then he falls, on his back…in the bamboo.

And just when I started thinking that it was getting a little too predictable, Vincent came bounding out of the jungle. He licked Jack’s bloody face. And then he laid down beside him. And this, strange as it sounds, is beautiful. Vincent hasn’t been relevant for the last five years, so it’s not the dog’s presence that made this scene powerful.

But Vincent’s appearance did two things: it effectively mirrored “The Pilot” when Jack awakened to see Vincent running up to him, and it added a minor twist that prevented the final scene from feeling too predictable or too forced.

Actually, it did a third thing: it prevented Jack (Mr. “Live Together, Die Alone”) from, well, dying alone.

And I bet Vincent’s appearance made many of you cry, even if you can’t explain exactly why. (I know it made someone cry in my living room; and that someone wasn’t me.)

After we saw an aerial shot of Jack on his back with Vincent by his side, we saw a close-up of Jack’s face. And then we saw another camera shot—from Jack’s perspective this time—as Lapidus and his passengers flew off the island.

Jack had completed his task, and his friends were safely headed for home. And he knew it.

And then we saw the close-up shot as Jack’s eye closed.


  • The Sideways World eventually introduced every character I ever cared about on the show…except Eko. Wouldn’t have minded seeing him in that church at the end.
  • Conversely, I was very glad Frogurt and Arzt were not in that church—or involved in the finale in any way whatsoever.
  • I just hope Cuse and Lindelof don’t pull a stunt like J.K. Rowling and make an unnecessary revision to the story, revealing that, I don’t know, Jacob (or The Smoke Monster) was a homosexual all along.
  • So Richard has his first gray hair, huh? Guess Jacob’s magic died with him…
  • What a great line:

    Jack: “You’re nothing like Locke. You disrespect his face just by wearing it. He was right about just about everything, and I wish he were alive so I could tell him that.”

  • I really wanted Charlie to call Aaron “Turnip Head.” I always liked that nickname.
  • It’s interesting that it was Kate and Sawyer’s slave labor that helped build that runway on Hydra Island…and it eventually provided enough runway for Lapidus to take them home…
  • Those Target commercials during the finale were so perfect. Kudos to Target for getting in the spirit of things and actually trying to relate to the demographic instead of just ponying up a ton of cash to air the same commercials we see all the time. I hope it pays off for them.
  • I think I wrote “great” like 73 times in this recap. Wow, time to consult a thesaurus, Tyler. Great job…
  • Odd that we didn’t see Helen with Locke (if she made an appearance, I don’t remember it) in the Sideways world this week…
  • If you missed Jimmy Kimmel’s “Aloha to LOST,” here were some of my favorite moments:

    Jimmy Kimmel: “Two things we learned for sure: Don’t go chasing waterfalls. And apparently, all dogs don’t go to heaven.”

    Jimmy to Terry O’Quinn and Michael Emerson: “You should do the Amazing Race together. That would be great.

    Jimmy: Is it “good Terry” or “bad Terry” we have with us tonight?
    Terry: It’s “out of work Terry”

    Jimmy to Daniel Dae-Kim: Every boat you were on exploded…

    Charles Widmore’s character, Alan Dale (is that his name?) said he still isn’t sure if Widmore was a good guy or a bad guy…

    Harold Perrineau said Walt is “eight feet tall and dating…”

    Jimmy also thanked Harold for killing Ana Lucia

  • Questions
    I was trying to think of questions, but none came to mind right away…so I figured, they’re not necessary this week.

    But please feel free to share any and all comments below. This is the end, so let’s beat a dead horse and savor every last drop together…(I’m just trying to be like LOST and mirror things; I started this post with a disgusting mixed metaphor, and now I’m ending it with another. So there you go.)



    6 responses

    25 05 2010

    Thanks Tyler for all your hard work and time put in to sharing your insights on each LOST episode. I had mixed feelings about the finale .. and yes some tears… but felt much the same way you felt about the end of our LOST. All in all the whole series was great. You wil have to write the next great epic for us all to get ingrossed in watching to its end. I know you could do it…bet you even have some ideas. This might put you right up there as our “canidate” for providing us a great story. Hey you’re up to the challenge! I belive in you. (yes Hurley is one of my favorites!)

    25 05 2010


    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. You’re right, I have a great idea for the next great TV show.

    It’s called SUNK, and it’s about an island that sinks under the ocean, and somehow, the inhabitants all live. And they’re like, “How are we still alive?”” and “Why?” And eventually we’ll realize that they’re alive because the sea isn’t done with them yet.

    And there’s going to be polar bears and a science team (that arrives on a submarine)…and, here’s the super original part, there’s this evil squid monster that, we learn eventually, used to be a man before his bro-, um, I mean, his sister sent him into the heart of the ocean…and he died or was sort of transformed or something (the specifics will be left for viewers to interpret on their own, I think).

    As you can see, it’s going to be incredible. And original.

    …so, do you still believe in me?

    25 05 2010


    I’ve definitely looked forward to your blog after every episode this season. I really appreciated your insight and theories about the characters. Even so, that as I was watching the finale, I thought Tyler was right Richard is still alive! haha.. oh man, kind of embarrassed to admit that.
    I really enjoyed the finale. For those that wanted every little question to be answered, they were definitely left unsatisfied and disappointed. But to me, Lost NEVER answered all of our questions… why would they do it now? In true Lost fashion, they answered one question and posed 3 more. I loved that the finale was centered around all of my favorite characters and I cried every time one of them remembered the past. I was so happy to see them together and happy in the end. Still not sure where they are or going, but it doesn’t matter because they are together in the end. I sound pretty ridiculous considering this was a TV show, but like you said, no other show has ever completely captured my attention and devotion like this one.


    Ps. I totally was thinking 300 during the fight scene but Lion King is a pretty nice reference.

    25 05 2010


    Thanks for the compliments. And I’m glad you enjoyed my blog.

    I like your conclusions about the finale and what fans should have (and shouldn’t have) expected. I agree with you.

    And I thought of 300, too! But then my mind latched onto the Lion King comparisons…

    I think Jack is more like Simba than King Leonidas, anyway… 🙂

    I am glad, however, that they didn’t conclude the finale with Elton John singing “The Circle of Life” as Jack’s eye closed… (Quick bit of LOST trivia for you: originally the show was going to be called “The Circle”)

    25 05 2010

    My last comment to Jackie reminded me of the circle of ash, and I thought, “Wow, we never learned the explanation for that.” And that was the first non-answer that sort of bothered me.

    I’m okay with not getting answers. But I think there were certain mysteries that appealed to some more than others, so when the writers didn’t answer the things that intrigued us most…that might be why the non-answers bother some more than others.

    So for me, I was a little disappointed never to learn why the ash inhibited Smokey.

    If there’s something you REALLY wanted to know, I am curious to know which mysteries were most intriguing to all of you.

    Just to be clear, though, I’m not saying LOST failed by not revealing these things (maybe you DO feel that way, but not me). Just thought it’d be interesting to hear what you’d like to know…

    22 09 2012

    For some reason I just now got around to reading this post – and it has made me very homesick for the island. I would like to watch the ending again some time, but that wouldn’t seem quite right without watching the whole series again. Since that is not likely to be something I have time for, it was nice reliving some of it through this post! Always enjoyed your thoughts and insights!

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